The Power of Story

The Power of Story July 24, 2015

hand-vintage-old-bookI’m actually in the mountains of Colorado right now, climbing hills and dodging coyotes. But I wanted to draw your attention to something going on right now in the wider world of Patheos–a huge conversation about the future of religion in America.

This week, the focus is on evangelicalism–a branch of Christianity that has been particularly vibrant, and at times rather divisive, over the last several decades. After generations of steady growth is now seeing its first signs of contraction, part of America’s growing swing toward secularization.

Patheos asked several deep thinkers–and oddly enough, me–just what the future of evangelicalism looks like. The answers, and sometimes the follow-up questions, have been fascinating.

My thoughts, naturally, centered on the power of story. You can read my musings here. And if you’re interested in checking out the rest of the conversation (trust me, it’s well worth your time), click here.

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