Why I am a Water Witch and Avalonian Priestess – Part 2

Why I am a Water Witch and Avalonian Priestess – Part 2 July 24, 2017

The path of the witch is a bit more winding and often times the waters flow through deep underwater cavern with no light shining. I found Witchcraft in the back pages of a magazine where a small list of books on witchcraft were. I bought a few and as soon as I began to read them I knew I was a witch. I kept exclaiming “This is me! They keep talking about me! This is what I am, who I am, I have done this before I just didn’t know what I was doing” I realized that for years and years before my awakening that I had been naturally going through the motions, doing things that closely resembled witchcraft. Was it past life memories? I don’t know for sure, but I can say that reading the books were like waking up, recovering old memories and putting context to my “strangeness”

The Witch

One yule, not long after my initiation, which by the way was by 2 people born under cancer and a quadruple Scorpio, I had a profound meditation. It was during some specific celestial event and still while I was flowing with the energy of the initiation. It was here that a red water snake curled around my body, she whispered “Don’t be afraid, I am wisdom and I am water too” It took me a long time to figure out who this serpent was, but she would soon make her mark on me.

Image and Art by Annwyn
Image and Art by Annwyn

I had dream sometimes later, it was a strange dreamscape that I had never been in before. There was a sulky man in a throne on a black and white checkered floor. A woman in a simple salmon skirt suit with a French twist in her hair, just handed me a shell. She just reached her hands out, and there it was. It was another one that took me a long time to figure out but I did. It was one of those dreams that are so real and so vivid that it stays with you for years and years. I eventually found, through meditation that I was being given the gift of the waters and that this was the path I would follow.

Another meditation I had which was particularly potent and important was 9 watery maidens in white with ghostly skin who pulled me under a lake and performed a type of surgery on my body. Removing the things that were not useful and replacing them with better working parts. It was more complicated than that as you can imagine, and later I would learn that these types of things happen to witches and those that call themselves shaman but It was important because these watery maiden would become my obsession for the next handful of years. They clearly wanted to work with me or they wouldn’t have wasted their time with this strange journey and me.

Water Shrine
Bath Shrine – Image by Annwyn

It was the water that was calling to me now, I was working almost exclusively with water deities and spirits. They came to me in dreams, in journey work, and anytime I was in the shower or bath. They just kept talking to me, telling me what they needed. They had been with me from the start, they had been with me as a child in the swamps, they had been at the beach, in the springs and holy wells. All the water places I had been, and somehow they kept nudging me, talking to me. So it made sense, I would work with European Water Spirits. I was connected somehow, in more ways than just one. As a child I slept on a water bed, I was born to from an Aquarius under Cancer with a Pisces moon and Capricorn Rising, which I used to think wasn’t watery at all, until I remembered Capricorn’s symbol is a water horse. I consider there may be ancestral memory, and I always go back to past life memories, but I won’t make any huge claims here. There is a possibility it was past life, or perhaps ancestral DNA or memory. I don’t know really but what I DO know is that there is a deep connection that was there before I could even comprehend, or know that these things existed. I just kept being pulled, pushed and shown the way.

Water in Arizona
Image by Annwyn

My practice as a witch is focused on working with water spirits, through the old oracular traditions, folk magic, Avalon and water lore. After a while I became pretty overwhelmed, I was working so many systems of magic, reading so much, learning so much, practicing so much that burnout was inevitable. I had a deep meditation one day, telling me that I was making this harder than it needed to be. I was putting so much effort into splitting the paths. Avalon Priestess here and Water Witch there. It was here that the spirits showed me they were 2 sides of the same coin. Most of the Well Maiden and Water Goddesses I was working with were of Western European origin, I saw both paths merge together like a lake reflecting the moon. The light and the dark, the stars and the underworld, all merging at the water. And so with both paths pointing at the water I became her witch and her priestess and I continue to serve and create magic through her blessings.

Learn more about my work with water here

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