AWMPpodcast: Interview – Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

AWMPpodcast: Interview – Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza November 6, 2016





AW is an scholar, theologian, and above all else a queer activist with a leading voice for the LGBTQ community and their fight for equality. We had an amazing chat on Are We Missing The Point? Podcast touching on different topics form growing up Southern Baptist, to teaching me new inclusive vocabulary that will hopefully evolve me into better humanbeing in the long run!



This groundbreaking podcast is the brainchild of the Whiskey Preacher, Phil Shepherd and his producer Josh Mitchell to couple with Phil’s up and coming first solo book project. It simply asks the question: Are We Missing the Point? The point of what some may ask? The point of life…Phil and Josh explore what it means too not only love others, but begs the question of how do we love others (different faith beliefs, different colors, different sexual orientation, and anything else that maybe different than ourselves) in relation to how we love ourselves. Be sure to checkout the latest from Are We Missing The Point? Podcast by following us here, on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to find us on SoundCloud and iTunes!










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