Donald Trump and Franklin Graham: An Eruption of the Real

Donald Trump and Franklin Graham: An Eruption of the Real February 19, 2016

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image from screenshot

The following is a poem by the pseudonymous Blind Man at the Gate. It was inspired by a revealing statement recently made by Franklin Graham.

An Eruption of the Real

by Blind Man at the Gate

It’s an eruption of the real when
With the son of Billy Graham
“Make America Great Again”
“I was a stranger and you took me in”

A ridiculous red hat
The words written in red

We want a wall
A real classy wall
Make it fifty feet tall
To keep “them” out
You know, Mexicans
Wet-back rapists
The beaner job stealer
Or so said the tycoon racist

And Frank-bar-Billy said
Yeah, gotta make America great again
Gotta get back to the day when
America was great
When America was right
When America was white
Because we read our Bible
In black and white
But mostly in white

“Make America Great Again”
Maybe not back to the days of
Harriet Beecher Stowe
But definitely before the end of Jim Crowe
Before that uppity MLK got in the way
Before Beyoncé got hot sauce in her bag

Yeah, we can
Love thy neighbor
Hate thy foreigner

I know Billy knows better
But sometimes we beget stupid sons
Who don’t know mercy from ‘Merica
Who allow their Xenophobia to
Their Xianity

So it’s come to this
A thrice-married reality-TV fat cat
Wearing his racist red hat
A Jesuit called Francis

The hymn said I could come
“Just as I am, without one plea”
But the politics say stay
Just where you are, far away from me

We live in a day when
Among the fiercely Christian
The Donald of fake-reality-TV
The Pope named for the Saint of Assisi

In the mind of the son of Billy Graham
Nativist, racist, misogynist attitudes
All eight of our Lord’s beatitudes

An eruption of the real
When DT out polls JC
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy


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