Patheos included in 50 Best Spirituality Bloggers

50 Best Spirituality Bloggers

Spirituality comes in as many forms as there are people to contemplate it, and the internet offers a wonderful opportunity for them to meet up and discuss their varying viewpoints. Anyone who feels him or her-self struggling to maintain spiritual or religious buoyancy in a world of persistent distractions and confusions should seek the counsel of communities they find comfortable, stimulating, and welcoming. Doing so can help nurture a sense of spiritual well-being and awareness, allowing an individual to constantly grow and move forward instead of merely stagnating. Please be aware that because this is a Christian-oriented education blog, the majority of sites listed understandably come from that angle. This absolutely does not, however, dilute or negate the contributions of other faiths on society as a whole. Those curious about seeking out what religions beyond the Christian (and even the Abrahamic) really must do so, as it will certainly open up new ideas that can supplement one's understanding of themselves and their beliefs.

1. beliefnet: beliefnet - an indispensable, multidenominational online resource that explores the nature and applications of faith and spirituality - hosts an amazing array of blogs from a diverse selection of writers. There is almost literally something here for everyone.

2. True to its name, would like its readers to learn how to simplify and streamline their lives in order to find true happiness. This is to be accomplished using spirituality as a conduit.

3. News, politics, and spirituality blend together to offer visitors a broad perspective on how faith and religion shape daily life and fall victim to misunderstanding.

4. ChristianityToday: Evangelical and conservative Christians in need of spiritual guidance have 4 blogs to choose from - the LifeBlog, Politics, Movies, and Women's.

5. Muslim Matters: Islam: Regardless of one's religious convictions, the Islam blog at Muslim Matters offers up quite a bit of insight on the role inspiration and spirituality play in everyday life. Beneficial to everyone, many of their concepts can be applied to almost any faith.

6. The Dude Abides: Cathleen Falsani blogs about spirituality through a pop culture filter, finding the moments of clarity and guidance in music, movies, and other forms of entertainment.

7. The Seeker: Chicago Tribune blogger Manya Brachear dissects her own personal spiritual journey as well as that of the world around her through news, essays, and other postings.

spiritual28. Faith & Reason: Cathy Lynn Grossman with USA Today keeps readers engaged with stories of how spirituality sometimes significantly impacts religion, ethics, practices, and rituals.

9. The God Blog: Spirituality does not exist in a vacuum, and few people understand that better than Brad A. Greenberg. Here, he shares his thoughts, experiences, and observations regarding the role faith and guidance plays in the world as a whole.

10. Patheos: Like beliefnet, Patheos offers up numerous blogs and forums on a very broad spectrum of spiritual and religious topics to give readers a broad understanding of the myriad perspectives available.

11. Faithful Progressive: Spiritual and religious persons with a progressive, liberal bent who struggle with their churches tell them one thing while their heart believes in another will greatly appreciate what this blog has to teach them.

12. Spiritual Literacy Blog: Believing that spiritual guidance can be found in unexpected and intriguing places, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat share what they find inspiring and insightful with the hope that others may see its value in turn.

13. The Revealer: Offered through NYU, The Revealer peeks intimately in the spiritual news and stories that come to affect art, politics, and other elements of humanity.

14. Charlotte was Both: Extremely prolific religion and spirituality blogger Amy Welborn's third blog in 8 years carries on some of her work and thoughts from elsewhere on the web.

spiritual315. Gay Spirituality Blog: Individuals belonging to sexual or racial minorities may feel marginalized by religion and spirituality, but sheds a light on those who display compassion, empathy, and tolerance towards those many label as outsiders.

16. Utne Spirituality Blog: Utne Reader provides visitors with provocative and insightful musings on spirituality and how it can inspire the alternative and progressive thinking that the magazine upholds.

17. Velveteen Rabbi: Rachel Barenblat has yet to receive ordination to become a rabbi - though she is currently pursuing the studies that lead up to it - but her writings on Jewish spirituality, prayer, meditation, and other aspects of faith can resonate with a broad audience base.

18. Facing Inward: Yoga acts not only as a wonderful means of staying healthy, flexible, and in shape, but a great conduit for personal meditation as well.

19. Dharma Path: John Soper desires to infuse the dharma into his day-to-day existence, blogging about his ups, downs, and discoveries along the way.

20. All Considering: Although her background and expertise lay in Indian and Buddhist religions and practices, Katinka Hesselink's intelligent articles cover other belief systems and spiritualities as well.

21. Hindu Expressions: Readers of any religious affiliation can find something enlightening about Mukul Shri Goel's reflections and ruminations on Hinduism and the culture it influences.

22. Spiritual Media Blog: Some people look towards creative endeavors such as movies, music, writing, and art to find spiritual harmony and inspiration, and Matt Walsh's blog helps them find the media that is right for them.

light23. Reflections: Christians in need of spiritual guidance as well as an interest in the major thinkers behind the religion should check out Kath Williamson's musings on the subject.

24. Reimagining Church: Frank Viola reflects on life as a Christian and in church, exploring the associated spiritual practices and beliefs that crop up along the way.

25. Christian Daily Meditation: Drop by for frequent (not daily) postings on stories, prayers, poems, essays, and other writings by famous church leaders that may hopefully inspire readers to meditate on their own faith.

26. Faith and Theology: Ben Myers writes about the intersection between culture and religion, finding lessons on spirituality and belief within their stories.

27. Notes from Off Center: Blogger Andrew "Drew" Tatsuko approaches the tenets of Christianity with pragmatism and logic for a more Earthy perspective on spirituality.

meditation28. Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength: Christians wanting the most out of their spiritual journeys must involve all aspects of their very person in order to find what they are seeking.

29. I Think I Believe: Pop culture, science, technology, and other human pursuits can all contribute to a satisfactory spiritual life and awakening, and nobody understands this more than Arni Zachariassen.

30. After Existentialism, Light: Christians hoping to infuse philosophy and scholasticism into their spiritual practices and beliefs have plenty to appreciate when it comes to Kevin Davis's informative blog.

31. Jesus in Love Blog: Aimed at the GLBT community, the Jesus in Love Blog accepts all peoples and brings hope and light to an audience who may feel persecuted by many religious denominations.

32. What Does The Prayer Really Say?: Though blogging on Catholic doctrine, prayer, spirituality, and practice, Fr. John Zulhsdorf's writings can still inspire those of other faiths to consider how the world that may lay beyond this one operates.

33. Religion in American History: Anyone wanting to look towards the future of their religious paths may want to research how those in the past approached the subject.

34. HuffPost Religion: Internet newspaper Huffington Post offers up this hybrid resource and commentary regarding the latest developments and opinions in religion and spirituality.

35. Sedona Comparative Religion: Pull from an impressively diverse spectrum of belief systems, the bloggers Sedona Comparative Religion guide their audience through the myriad paths towards spiritual enlightenment.

36. Speaking of Faith Observed: Krista Tippett with the Speaking of Faith podcast continues religious and spiritual discussions of all stripes on her very revealing blog.

37. My Religious Blog: Follow one Mormon's triumphs and struggles with and against his faith - a tug-of-war which most believers have experienced at least once in their journeys.

38. The Evangelical Outpost: Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians can find plenty of inspiration to lead them on a path to God through this exhaustive resource.

39. One Cosmos: Dig deeper into the throes of spirituality with this unique, well-written, and insightful blog on the intersections and practices of different religions.

40. theophiliacs: Four Episcopalian men offer their readers some excellent pointers, stories, and ideas to help them grow in their faith and spirit alike.

41. Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley: This online blog and community brings together those with a particular interest in applying ancient Beaker sensibilities to Christian practices, posting some unusual and thoroughly engaging writings along the way.

42. Discernland: A second-year seminarian discusses his experiences and shares prayers, meditations, stories, and other reflections to help inspire visitors towards strengthening their spiritual lives.

43. Ponderings on a Faith Journey: Pastor Bob Cornwall of the Disciples of Christ enjoys sharing his knowledge of church history and religious ideology, using his blog as a means of chronicling his own spirituality and hopefully inspiring others to discover their personal paths.

44. Theolog: Christian Century wants to create a community for the faithful to debate and explore their religious beliefs, hopefully learning something about themselves and others in the process.

45. the church and postmodern culture: conversation: Even non-Christians benefit from understanding how to apply postmodernist sensibilities to traditional belief systems for a spiritual path that many may find gratifying.

46. Triangulations: One does not always have to believe in a god or gods in order to forge a path of meditation, spiritual harmony, and personal fulfillment.

47. Unreasonable Faith: Though he identifies as an atheist, Daniel Florien still makes some excellent observations on religion as it exists today. Christians open to his messages will obviously not fall from their faiths, but they will walk away capable of asking difficult and intensely personal questions of themselves.

48. Ember Days: History, medievalism, philosophy, and a whole host of other disciplines feed into The Postulant's well-informed musings on the Christian religion and spirituality.

49. Cognitive Dissonance: With a passion for studying the very nuances of Christianity and faith, Shawn Wamsley discusses creedal Episcopalianism and many other enlightening, helpful elements that could push readers onto the path that is right for them.

50. the charismanglican: Christianity, politics, art, and other subjects merge together to offer visitors a glimpse into a few different possible routes towards a tighter, more personal grasp on their religious leanings.

Be sure to explore the myriad other spirituality, religion, and faith blogs floating about the internet beyond these 50. Every one of them - regardless of whether or not the reader agrees what they have to say - brings something to the table and may potentially hold the key for one individual to discover the spiritual path that works best for their needs.

8/17/2018 2:14:54 PM

Patheos included in 50 Best Spirituality Bloggers

50 Best Spirituality Bloggers

Spirituality comes in as many forms as there are people to contemplate it, and the internet offers a wonderful opportunity for them to meet up and discuss their varying viewpoints. Anyone who feels him or her-self struggling to maintain spiritual or religious buoyancy in a world of persistent distractions and confusions should seek the counsel of communities they find comfortable, stimulating, and welcoming. Doing so can help nurture a sense of spiritual well-being and awareness, allowing an individual to constantly grow and move forward instead of merely stagnating. Please be aware that because this is a Christian-oriented education blog, the majority of sites listed understandably come from that angle. This absolutely does not, however, dilute or negate the contributions of other faiths on society as a whole. Those curious about seeking out what religions beyond the Christian (and even the Abrahamic) really must do so, as it will certainly open up new ideas that can supplement one's understanding of themselves and their beliefs.

1. beliefnet: beliefnet - an indispensable, multidenominational online resource that explores the nature and applications of faith and spirituality - hosts an amazing array of blogs from a diverse selection of writers. There is almost literally something here for everyone.

2. True to its name, would like its readers to learn how to simplify and streamline their lives in order to find true happiness. This is to be accomplished using spirituality as a conduit.

3. News, politics, and spirituality blend together to offer visitors a broad perspective on how faith and religion shape daily life and fall victim to misunderstanding.

4. ChristianityToday: Evangelical and conservative Christians in need of spiritual guidance have 4 blogs to choose from - the LifeBlog, Politics, Movies, and Women's.

5. Muslim Matters: Islam: Regardless of one's religious convictions, the Islam blog at Muslim Matters offers up quite a bit of insight on the role inspiration and spirituality play in everyday life. Beneficial to everyone, many of their concepts can be applied to almost any faith.

6. The Dude Abides: Cathleen Falsani blogs about spirituality through a pop culture filter, finding the moments of clarity and guidance in music, movies, and other forms of entertainment.

7. The Seeker: Chicago Tribune blogger Manya Brachear dissects her own personal spiritual journey as well as that of the world around her through news, essays, and other postings.

spiritual28. Faith & Reason: Cathy Lynn Grossman with USA Today keeps readers engaged with stories of how spirituality sometimes significantly impacts religion, ethics, practices, and rituals.

9. The God Blog: Spirituality does not exist in a vacuum, and few people understand that better than Brad A. Greenberg. Here, he shares his thoughts, experiences, and observations regarding the role faith and guidance plays in the world as a whole.

10. Patheos: Like beliefnet, Patheos offers up numerous blogs and forums on a very broad spectrum of spiritual and religious topics to give readers a broad understanding of the myriad perspectives available.

11. Faithful Progressive: Spiritual and religious persons with a progressive, liberal bent who struggle with their churches tell them one thing while their heart believes in another will greatly appreciate what this blog has to teach them.

12. Spiritual Literacy Blog: Believing that spiritual guidance can be found in unexpected and intriguing places, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat share what they find inspiring and insightful with the hope that others may see its value in turn.

13. The Revealer: Offered through NYU, The Revealer peeks intimately in the spiritual news and stories that come to affect art, politics, and other elements of humanity.

14. Charlotte was Both: Extremely prolific religion and spirituality blogger Amy Welborn's third blog in 8 years carries on some of her work and thoughts from elsewhere on the web.

spiritual315. Gay Spirituality Blog: Individuals belonging to sexual or racial minorities may feel marginalized by religion and spirituality, but sheds a light on those who display compassion, empathy, and tolerance towards those many label as outsiders.

16. Utne Spirituality Blog: Utne Reader provides visitors with provocative and insightful musings on spirituality and how it can inspire the alternative and progressive thinking that the magazine upholds.

17. Velveteen Rabbi: Rachel Barenblat has yet to receive ordination to become a rabbi - though she is currently pursuing the studies that lead up to it - but her writings on Jewish spirituality, prayer, meditation, and other aspects of faith can resonate with a broad audience base.

18. Facing Inward: Yoga acts not only as a wonderful means of staying healthy, flexible, and in shape, but a great conduit for personal meditation as well.

19. Dharma Path: John Soper desires to infuse the dharma into his day-to-day existence, blogging about his ups, downs, and discoveries along the way.

20. All Considering: Although her background and expertise lay in Indian and Buddhist religions and practices, Katinka Hesselink's intelligent articles cover other belief systems and spiritualities as well.

21. Hindu Expressions: Readers of any religious affiliation can find something enlightening about Mukul Shri Goel's reflections and ruminations on Hinduism and the culture it influences.

22. Spiritual Media Blog: Some people look towards creative endeavors such as movies, music, writing, and art to find spiritual harmony and inspiration, and Matt Walsh's blog helps them find the media that is right for them.

light23. Reflections: Christians in need of spiritual guidance as well as an interest in the major thinkers behind the religion should check out Kath Williamson's musings on the subject.

24. Reimagining Church: Frank Viola reflects on life as a Christian and in church, exploring the associated spiritual practices and beliefs that crop up along the way.

25. Christian Daily Meditation: Drop by for frequent (not daily) postings on stories, prayers, poems, essays, and other writings by famous church leaders that may hopefully inspire readers to meditate on their own faith.

26. Faith and Theology: Ben Myers writes about the intersection between culture and religion, finding lessons on spirituality and belief within their stories.

27. Notes from Off Center: Blogger Andrew "Drew" Tatsuko approaches the tenets of Christianity with pragmatism and logic for a more Earthy perspective on spirituality.

meditation28. Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength: Christians wanting the most out of their spiritual journeys must involve all aspects of their very person in order to find what they are seeking.

29. I Think I Believe: Pop culture, science, technology, and other human pursuits can all contribute to a satisfactory spiritual life and awakening, and nobody understands this more than Arni Zachariassen.

30. After Existentialism, Light: Christians hoping to infuse philosophy and scholasticism into their spiritual practices and beliefs have plenty to appreciate when it comes to Kevin Davis's informative blog.

31. Jesus in Love Blog: Aimed at the GLBT community, the Jesus in Love Blog accepts all peoples and brings hope and light to an audience who may feel persecuted by many religious denominations.

32. What Does The Prayer Really Say?: Though blogging on Catholic doctrine, prayer, spirituality, and practice, Fr. John Zulhsdorf's writings can still inspire those of other faiths to consider how the world that may lay beyond this one operates.

33. Religion in American History: Anyone wanting to look towards the future of their religious paths may want to research how those in the past approached the subject.

34. HuffPost Religion: Internet newspaper Huffington Post offers up this hybrid resource and commentary regarding the latest developments and opinions in religion and spirituality.

35. Sedona Comparative Religion: Pull from an impressively diverse spectrum of belief systems, the bloggers Sedona Comparative Religion guide their audience through the myriad paths towards spiritual enlightenment.

36. Speaking of Faith Observed: Krista Tippett with the Speaking of Faith podcast continues religious and spiritual discussions of all stripes on her very revealing blog.

37. My Religious Blog: Follow one Mormon's triumphs and struggles with and against his faith - a tug-of-war which most believers have experienced at least once in their journeys.

38. The Evangelical Outpost: Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians can find plenty of inspiration to lead them on a path to God through this exhaustive resource.

39. One Cosmos: Dig deeper into the throes of spirituality with this unique, well-written, and insightful blog on the intersections and practices of different religions.

40. theophiliacs: Four Episcopalian men offer their readers some excellent pointers, stories, and ideas to help them grow in their faith and spirit alike.

41. Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley: This online blog and community brings together those with a particular interest in applying ancient Beaker sensibilities to Christian practices, posting some unusual and thoroughly engaging writings along the way.

42. Discernland: A second-year seminarian discusses his experiences and shares prayers, meditations, stories, and other reflections to help inspire visitors towards strengthening their spiritual lives.

43. Ponderings on a Faith Journey: Pastor Bob Cornwall of the Disciples of Christ enjoys sharing his knowledge of church history and religious ideology, using his blog as a means of chronicling his own spirituality and hopefully inspiring others to discover their personal paths.

44. Theolog: Christian Century wants to create a community for the faithful to debate and explore their religious beliefs, hopefully learning something about themselves and others in the process.

45. the church and postmodern culture: conversation: Even non-Christians benefit from understanding how to apply postmodernist sensibilities to traditional belief systems for a spiritual path that many may find gratifying.

46. Triangulations: One does not always have to believe in a god or gods in order to forge a path of meditation, spiritual harmony, and personal fulfillment.

47. Unreasonable Faith: Though he identifies as an atheist, Daniel Florien still makes some excellent observations on religion as it exists today. Christians open to his messages will obviously not fall from their faiths, but they will walk away capable of asking difficult and intensely personal questions of themselves.

48. Ember Days: History, medievalism, philosophy, and a whole host of other disciplines feed into The Postulant's well-informed musings on the Christian religion and spirituality.

49. Cognitive Dissonance: With a passion for studying the very nuances of Christianity and faith, Shawn Wamsley discusses creedal Episcopalianism and many other enlightening, helpful elements that could push readers onto the path that is right for them.

50. the charismanglican: Christianity, politics, art, and other subjects merge together to offer visitors a glimpse into a few different possible routes towards a tighter, more personal grasp on their religious leanings.

Be sure to explore the myriad other spirituality, religion, and faith blogs floating about the internet beyond these 50. Every one of them - regardless of whether or not the reader agrees what they have to say - brings something to the table and may potentially hold the key for one individual to discover the spiritual path that works best for their needs.

8/17/2018 2:14:54 PM