Heather King
Pilgrim, mystic, friend. Lover of Flannery O'Connor, Dostoevsky, Emily Dickinson, Kafka, Hank Williams, and the Gospels. Frequent Mass-goer. Extreme introvert. Reader, writer, ponderer of paradox, adorer of birds, flowers, and trees. Interested in the habit of art, the Little Way, the creative urge, and bringing the light of Christ to writing, music, painting, architecture, film, gardening, cooking, filling cavities—in fact, every aspect of our daily lives.
Heather King (J.D., Suffolk University Law School) is an ex-lawyer, ex-drunk Catholic convert with three memoirs: Parched (the dark years); Redeemed (crawling toward the light); and Shirt of Flame (forthcoming - her year of wandering around Koreatown, L.A. "with" St. Thérèse of Lisieux, a cloistered 19th-century French nun).
You can find Heather on Facebook. She blogs at shirtofflame.blogspot.com.