Review: A Book Of Simple Rituals By Wendy Wilson

Review: A Book Of Simple Rituals By Wendy Wilson August 9, 2019

One of the great things about living near Artes and Craft is availability for great books to review. The book I’m sharing with you is, in my opinion, great for any Witch, Wiccan, or Pagan (beginner to advanced). As 3 Pagans and a Cat, we love to bring books to the awareness of the Pagan community. A Book of Simple Rituals: Ready-to-Use Pagan Rituals by Wendy Wilson is no exception. Here is a brief synopsis from Amazon:

“This is a book of easily-staged, ready-to-use rituals to celebrate the eight Wiccan holidays. If you are new to ritual or simply need some help with ritual, this is the perfect book for you. These are a selection of the rituals I have written and led over the past 20 years. I have included the rituals that conveyed their central themes clearly and were easy to do in a practical, logistic sense. They are intended for a small group, but most can scale up for a larger group and most could be done by a solitary witch.”

woman and books
Pagan books are the best! Image by Pexels via

A Book of Simple Rituals is an excellent resource. Using the Wheel of the Year, plus throwing in a couple of bonus rituals, the author provides clear, concise instructions, walking the reader through ritual set-up and performance. Wendy Wilson is a Wiccan with over 20 years experience, which she lends to this book.

In each chapter, Wilson includes the necessary information to set-up and complete the ritual in a living room or backyard. She includes descriptions of themes, circle casting, cleansing, calling of the Quarters, songs, prayers, dance instruction, scripts for all participants and much more. The rituals in this book act as a complete “how-to” for beginners or as a template for more experienced practitioners.

Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year! Image by WitchGarden via

As a self-published work, I find A Book of Simple Rituals to be well written and executed. The book is short and easy to read. A Witch, Wiccan, or Pagan could work through the Wheel of the Year using this book or as needed. The rituals are interesting and creative without being repetitious. Whether one works as a solitary or in a group/coven, A Book of Simple Rituals: Ready-t-Use Pagan Rituals is useful and is (in my opinion) a must have in a magickal library.

3 Pagans and a Cat highly recommends this book. You can purchase this book through various online retailers. The book is also available at Artes & Craft (Hartford, MI).

About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Modern Hekataen-Green Witch, Devotee of the Covenant of Hekate, and Clairsentient Medium. She loves working with herbs, essential oils and plants. In the past, she has been a musician, teacher, and published author. Now, together with Car and Ode, Gwyn is a teacher/presenter at multiple Pagan events, and loves to chat about witchcraft, spiritual things, and life in general. You can read more about the author here.

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