Review: Grimoire –A Personal & Magical Record

Review: Grimoire –A Personal & Magical Record December 4, 2020

A month or two ago, Car offered to write up a short review on Grimoire: A Personal & Magical Record. A journal by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, the author of The Green Witch, Spellcrafting, and many other books I love. Car doesn’t have time to write up his thoughts, so he told me and I’m now offering a mesh of our opinions.

Image provided by Gwyn

Grimoire: Description

This journal comes as a lovely, hardcover edition. It has 256 pages, the first 55 of which are original content that includes an introduction, a book blessing, and includes basic information. The rest of the book is blank, offering space in which the Witch who uses it can fill with their own spells, rituals, and thoughts.

The paper is nice, light-weight, so better than average quality with a ribbon bookmark in the middle. Basic information provided includes Sun and Moon signs/cycles, planetary energy information, various correspondences, the Wheel of the Year, descriptions of divination, as well as how to craft a spell or write a ritual.

Image by Stocksnap via

Grimoire: Our Impressions and Thoughts

As much as I enjoy Arin’s books, this one feels as if it is a throw-away. While it is a fine journal (lays flat so it is good for writing in), it does not fulfill a need better than any other basic journal might do. Yes. There is some helpful information in the first part but nothing that couldn’t be copied from another source (such as any of Arin’s previous books on witchcraft).

And that is really what I’d recommend. Spend the money getting a nice journal (preferably one that has at least some lined pages rather than all blank but I know that can be hard to find), glean from your favorite witchcraft and magickal resources, and record what you wish to preserve in your grimoire. Honestly, that is how I have built mine and it felt much more complete and worthwhile because I built it myself — right down to the book blessing and protection on the front page.

Overall, our opinion is that this book is okay but kind of bland. A publishing obligation filled, perhaps. However, I will say that Grimoire by Arin Murphy-Hiscock is an affordable option for someone who is new to being a Witch and needing a place to start. But I still feel a basic journal, and a copy of Arin’s book Spellcrafting will be a better option for someone who wants to create their first grimoire.


3 Pagans and a Cat recorded a series on the podcast called Building Your Book and teach a class that helps with that process if you need help creating your Grimoire.


About Gwyn
Gwyn is one of the hosts of 3 Pagans and a Cat, a podcast about the questions and discussions between three pagan family members, each exploring different pagan paths and how their various traditions can intersect. The most practiced pagan on the path, Gwyn is a Green Earth Witch devoted to the Earth Mother, Hekate, Brighid, and Frigga. She is a Clairsentient Medium, Tarot Reader, loves writing and, spending time with her family, as well as working with herbs, essential oils, and plants. You can read more about the author here.

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