May 21, 2019

Publishing- “If you wrote something for which someone sent you a cheque, if you cashed the cheque and it didn’t bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.”  ~ Stephen King   As a spiritual writer, the professional move from hobby-writer to compensated author is a dream many of us treasure. What is the difference between these two types of writing? The quick answer is the motivation behind the goal that drives them.... Read more

April 8, 2019

“1969 is a year that shaped a generation.”~ Dr./Professor Robert Atkinson We all have a year that was “The Year” of our life. The year we can never forget and remember with fondness and nostalgia. Perhaps it was the year we met the love of our life, the year our first child was born, or the year we flew-the-coup and came-into-our own. It is the year that brings an extra beat to our singing heart and a sigh to our... Read more

April 6, 2019

“A voice said, ‘You will be doing this one day.’ I looked around to see who was speaking but saw no one.”~author Jim Phillips Who are we and why are we here? We have been asking ourselves this question since humanity first arrived on the Earth plane. Is there a Key to Life? How do you know if you are Living in Full Expression? Have you explored the question of why you have chosen to be here? Is it to... Read more

April 5, 2019

“My pictures are concerned with fundamental aspects of humanity. Loneliness, a search for an all-consuming faith, mortality, love, dignity, despair, and joy are the stories I attempt to show in a way that pleases the formal aspects of light and composition.”~ Renato Rampolla We all have a Light-within. Renato Rampolla finds, sees, and photographs that light to show that despite the state of humanity, there is dignity…No Matter What! We were introduced in an email by Dennis J. Pitocco, Founder,... Read more

March 24, 2019

My dream had always been to be an author published by a conventional publishing house. My dream was accomplished by being strategic in expanding my writing credentials and building my biography in a way that would capture and hold the attention of publishers by standing out in the sea of weekly, monthly, and yearly submissions. httpspixabay.comenlibrary-sky-birds-mystical-clouds-425730PixabayFree-Images-for-commercial-use-No-attribution-required.jpg How can this be done? It was done by building my author reputation in multi-author books that included the writings of already published, and... Read more

February 25, 2019

Are you “stuck” or residing in the past? Does your mindset and life seem full of painful memories rather than joyful expectations? Do you have trouble moving-on after an illness, a bad job, or a shattered relationship? httpspixabay.comphotoswoman-face-bullying-stress-shame-2696408Geralt-PixabayFREE-for-commercial-use-No-attributions-required.jpg Expert Healing Panelists Connie Bramer, author of “How Connie Got Her Rack Back” and Kevin Murphy, the author of “The Three Rooms,”  can help you answer those questions and will share tips on how you can move on with your life, get... Read more

February 12, 2019

“We must make the transition from ‘the love of power to the power of love.’” ~ Dr./Professor Robert Atkinson   httpspixabay.comenlibrary-sky-birds-mystical-clouds-425730PixabayFree Images for commercial use No attribution required Change is inevitable. We can fight it, or we can embrace it. When we fight it, we are spitting in the wind and will most likely grow wet and weary. When we embrace evolution, we use our memories and knowledge to strengthen our shift in consciousness as we move into the future. We... Read more

February 9, 2019

When a loved one dies, it can leave us with such a strong longing to see them again, if only for a second, or just one-more-time.  This longing for a visitation from them can be consuming. What if…we could connect with them again and spend some valuable time together?  How often have you had a dream that made you sit up in bed and say, “Wow! That dream was awesome. It was just what I needed.”     Well, I... Read more

February 8, 2019

How often do we take something like a trip to the beach and its healing possibilities for granted? For some people, baring their body and soul it is not an easy thing to do. After reading this article, you may think twice about walking-on-by the next time you see someone sitting a bit anxiously on a beach towel. With all the bombardment we get from magazine covers and television advertisements with astonishingly perfect bodies, perhaps they are being their own biggest... Read more

January 27, 2019

What is the Key to living a healthy life? What are the next steps can we take to move beyond the limitations we have often allowed to define us? How can Spirituality become a part of this process? The words,  “Just get well,”  sound so easy yet it is difficult for many of us living with some form of addiction disease which can go beyond substances to include eating, relationships…and yes, even sex! Is there such a thing as an... Read more

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