July 29, 2020

Lammas for me has come to be about my beginnings in life, and where I have ended up. About life and growth, but also about the inevitability of death, reaping, and the harshness of winter looming on the horizon. Read more

July 24, 2020

Is it just too historically accurate for people to believe Wicca isn’t that old? Why does this make us feel inauthentic? Read more

July 22, 2020

Some of you may not have identified yet that unease buried in your stomach, but any self respecting occult practitioner knows you must name a monster, if you wish to control it, and that name is grief. Read more

July 17, 2020

It's important that I let you in on a secret right away - I don't belong here. I expect that at any moment someone will realize they've made a critical error and allowed a pretender into the inner sanctum as they clutch their BNP pearls (amber and jet?). Read more

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