Children of Earth – Interviews

Children of Earth – Interviews May 31, 2019

So it has been a long time since I last wrote a blog here.  I decided to have a year of saying yes to things, and that is proving challenging and interesting!  I have been busy writing, with publishing projects for Avalonia – and also in these last few months I have been travelling extensively so I am behind (as always) with the fun things in life!  Those of you who follow me on Instagram or Facebook will know I have been to Ireland, Crete (Greece), Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo in Brazil and the Netherlands in the last few months; and that I have a few more trips coming up soon.

One of the things that tend to happen when I have so much going on, which I am sure is true for many of you reading this, is that I don’t always have as much time to keep in touch with friends and others who play an important part in my life.  So, while discussing a particular point a friend of mine was trying to make about his perspectives on the Gods and Priesthood, I came up with the idea to interview 100 people whose work inspired me past, or present – and who are still alive today.  I will call this series of interviews Children of Earth.   These interviews will be with people who have made, and continue to make a positive contribution to their spiritual communities – some of those I am approaching are very well known in their respective fields, and others are not known at all other than within a very small circle.  In a couple of instances I know that if I am lucky enough for the individuals to say yes, the interviews may even be published under pseudonyms to protect their privacy and anonymity.

I am not making a whose-who list of celebrities, rather these are all people who genuinely had an impact on me as a Priestess, magician, author, publisher or as a person.  I am open to suggestions as to who to approach, and the questions you would like me to ask – so do make them in the comments or by private message / email.

The first in the series will be published tomorrow – and is with my friend, High Priestess of the Craft and author of Seidr: The Gate is Open and Odin’s Gateway Katie Gerrard. 

Image may contain: 2 people, flower and plantAbove: From the Rite of Her Sacred Fires (honouring the Goddess Hekate), Glastonbury.  To my left Drayk and my right Arabela Jade.


Image may contain: 2 people, including Claudio Ramos, indoor
Above: Giving a lecture on the history of Wicca, at the Mystic Fair in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (May 2019).  Translating for me (to my right) is Claudio Ramos, of the Temple of Brigantia.  Photograph by Zots.  I was there promoting the book Origens Mágicas da Wicca – História e Nascimento dos Rituais da Bruxaria Moderna (Wicca, Magickal Beginnings, which I co-authored with David Rankine) in Portuguese.

About Sorita d'Este
Sorita d’Este has been experimenting with ways of walking on the liminal since she was a child, exploring along the way many pathways of experiencing magic, mysticism and religion. Her own personal practice integrates aspects of Hellenic (Greek), Egyptian and Hermetic practices with a lived Orphic inspired philosophy, and experience gained in Initiatory Craft, traditions preserved in Italian, French and British grimoires and other contemporary esoteric teachings of the East and West. You can read more about the author here.

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