Bible Gateway : PROV 3;

Bible Gateway : PROV 3; May 8, 2003

Bible Gateway : PROV 3; Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight (or direct) your paths.

I remain convinced that these words are a good foundation for any life. My grandfather was told them by his father on his death bed and the words have been precious to Warnock’s ever since (if not before!)

I am sure that life is not merely chance and having landed on my feet in a job that I love recently I am sure that the myriad chances that led to this event are directed by an inteligence that is working for me. Funny how even many Christians don’t like the idea that someone else is directing their paths. Personally I would rather trust the creator of the universe to lead my steps than my own punny intellect. I would never have dreamt of doing the job I am now and whilst it is busy, I have never yet been happier at work!

Of course its easy to believe all that when things are going well, it hasnt always been that way for me, and the challenge of faith as someone has put it just where in our daily lives do we find examples of God’s mercy, wisdom and justice?

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