October 17, 2024

We live in a shame culture now. In the media frenzy over politics and in our personal lives shaming and cancelling is rife. You can be rejected over even minor faults, which all contributes to relationship breakdown including divorce. Many now live alone, cut off from emotional support from friends and family. Many yearn for the kind of connections seen in the immensely popular sitcoms like Friends and Big Bang. They want to be part of a gang of supportive friends like that. Do you have such a group around you? Are you part of such a group around others? Or are you struggling through hard times alone and feeling overwhelmed, like a failure, and full of shame? Read more

October 15, 2024

Let's take this up a notch: Trump has tapped into that religious area of the brain so much that most American Christians have confused Trumpism for their own faith. The church now worships at his feet. If I am wrong, prove it by sharing a link to Evangelicals criticising this man and refusing to endorse him for president. Read more

October 14, 2024

Trump seems to be choosing anger and fear, whilst Kamala Harris is encouraging voters to choose joy and a more normal politics. As a British Christian I become ever more confused that so many of my American bothers and sisters seem to still embrace Trump. To me, just watching the debates, the speeches, the policy announcements, it seems clear to me that he is wholly unsuitable to be president. Indeed I would go so far as to say he appears to me to be genuinely dangerous with misogynyist, racist, fascist and totalitarian tendencies. Read more

October 13, 2024

Charles Spurgeon, the renowned preacher, suffered with severe depression which he described as probably worse than anyone in his church. Would your pastor be too afraid to admit publicly if they were suffering in a similar way?  Would your friend feel safe to confide in you with their struggles?  Spurgeon's sermon, "The Secret of Happiness," highlights the joy found in the forgiveness of sins and God's mercy, driving away the clouds of depression. Read more

October 1, 2024

I thought one of the best ways I could introduce you to the new AI enhanced Logos Bible Software that I have a preview of is to use it and show you some output.  The search engine itself has an AI upgrade which means it does a better job of finding portions of your library that address the question you ask it.  So instead of searching for “Bible Study” you could search, as I did for “How do I study... Read more

August 31, 2024

The best way to get closer to God, whether you have been a Christian for many years or you still have lots of questions, is to read the Bible. The Bible is the very words of God, and it contains everything you need to know about Him and how He wants you to live. The Bible does not read like a modern novel. It is an ancient book, written during periods when those who could read would do so for hours, and even many who could not read memorized large portions they had heard recited. Television and the Internet were not around to impair their ability to concentrate. Read more

August 29, 2024

Why have so many Christians become smug and judgemental? Why is our politics so divisive? We need to stop looking down on outsiders and angrily condemning them as sinners who by implication are clearly worse than us. Read more

August 5, 2024

Is Dawkins about to convert from 'cultural' to 'real' Christian? Richard Dawkins has always been one of the most hostile atheists, often mocking Christians in particular.  But over the last few years we are seeing a change in his attitude towards Christians. Read more

August 4, 2024

Up to 50% off Logos Bible Software This August. Logos Bible Software is changing. Like many companies before them they will move from a model where people buy the software outright to a model where you subscribe instead.  This month only they are offering a massive sale on their collections. If you would like to buy Logos Bible Software version 10 now is your last chance. Read more

August 1, 2024

The most recent content from the top 40 Christian Organisation Blogs. Their feeds brought together so you don't even have to use a feed reader. Keep coming back for more! Read more

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