March 26, 2024

He is not here, for he has risen. MATTHEW 28:6 This revised chapter of my book Raised With Christ takes us deeper into the central Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It begins by affirming the core conviction that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again on the third day, underscoring the importance of this event as a historical fact rather than mere fiction or poetry. The belief extends to the promise of resurrection for believers and the... Read more

March 25, 2024

  The first chapter of Raised With Christ, How the Resurrection Changes Everything is now available free online for the first time. I offer a revised and expanded version of that chapter from my first book now it in the hope this will be a blessing to us all as we prepare our hearts for what is often the most important service of the year, Easter Sunday.   God . . . made us alive together with Christ . . . and... Read more

March 23, 2024

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March 22, 2024

Let’s celebrate the diversity in our congregations and do whatever we can to promote it. Many local churches now have a mix of backgrounds.  As populations continue to move choice of new church is often not about the denomination or family of churches.  In your church family you may well have people from all kinds of backgrounds now enjoying fellowship with you. One reason for this is an Anglican Church in one town may be more similar to a Pentecostal... Read more

March 21, 2024

Does your church truly rely on the Holy Spirit? Or is your trust on human effort, planning, and committees? How important is the divine presence in your life together?  Francis Schaeffer once asked his wife: “Edith, I wonder what would happen to most churches and Christian work if we awakened tomorrow, and everything concerning the reality and work of the Holy Spirit, and everything concerning prayer, were removed from the Bible. I don’t mean just ignored, but actually cut out—disappeared.... Read more

March 19, 2024

    To some he is the gentle humble one. To others he the mighty King who will ride on a horse to war as he returns to rule. Does your mental image of Jesus lean only one way or the other?  What kind of Jesus are you praying to? Sometimes we remake Jesus in our own image.  But if we want Jesus to save us, we must make sure we are coming to the REAL Jesus, not someone we... Read more

March 15, 2024

How attached are you to what your church teaches you? Many Christians are committed to doctrinal statements, the teachings of their denomination, and even the practices that they have inherited from the past.  What can sometimes be forgotten is that most of those traditions if you are in an evangelical church were forged out of a desire to be Biblical and reformed.  But Reformation is not a once for all thing.  Stott explains: “The hallmark of authentic evangelicalism is not... Read more

March 13, 2024

Have we seen enough of our Christian heroes fall spectacularly yet to stop putting our trust in humans? Christians will never be perfect in this life and we must stop encouraging the delusion that any of us have our lives all together. As we journey through lent, its a great time to remind ourselves of our vulnerability to sin. It’s time we stopped putting certain Christians on a pedestal.  I understand the desire to grow in Christ and become more... Read more

February 26, 2024

In Edward’s work on Revival he argues in a slightly odd way to to our ears about the move of the Holy Spirit.  He uses a double negative.  He says that it is NOT a sign that a work is NOT a work of God if there are great impressions made on people’s minds, imaginations or “frames“. He seems to be arguing something close to what the modern charismatics call a flawed non-perfect form of prophecy or other gifts of... Read more

February 25, 2024

We are saved By Grace THROUGH Faith Have you turned faith itself into a work? Keller turns to the word “frame” to explain a crucial point about how we must not trust in our own faith but rather in the object and producer  of that faith: Jesus. It’s tremendously dangerous for you to mistake these prepositions. When it says it’s by grace but through faith, the grace of God, the power of God, that’s what makes you a Christian. The... Read more

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