A job I love……

A job I love…… June 28, 2003

A few weeks ago I asked, work-curse or call? I can honestly say that whilst it is hard work and involves a significant amount of travel I am truly enjoying it. Some of the people I work with are a real joy, and I feel like for now I have really found the place I fit. If you are thinking of making a move towards a job for which you are truly suited, go for it- I recommend it.

I preached on work this sunday and among onther things asked-

o Do you seek to better yourself in your career so you stand out as someone people aspire to be like?

o Are you a settler who makes the most of his lot or a pioneer visionary who presses on in all aspects of life?

o Are you lazy and half hearted or proactive and passionate?

o Do you do the minimum possible to avoid being sacked or go the extra mile?

Do you endure or enjoy your work?

o Is your work a prison or a place of destiny?

o Are you longing for the beach or living for God with all your might?

o Are you a workaholic or do you know when to stop?

Do pop over to my churches site and read a bit more from my notes entitled Dare to Be a Daniel

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