CofE, RIP August 23, 2003

Again the Guardian is making sense about Anglicanism.

1000 traditional churches are thought to be likely to close, I do believe that 1000 flowers will spring up- 1000 lively vibrant churches part of the group of churches I am involved with and many many more from other groupings and denominations that are liberated to be seen on an equal footing with whatever will remain of the Anglican church system…


The Anglican church’s infighting about gays masks the real issue – that its days are numbered……….We are witnessing the end of the Church of England. The current crisis is not a little local difficulty in a resilient institution, as most senior Anglicans insist. It is part of the final unravelling of our national religious tradition……

We are, therefore, witnessing the end of the Church of England. It is being brought about by two intimately related causes: disestablishment and the unsustainability of the middle way.

I welcome the prospect. Our political culture will become more honest, and our religious culture will be freed up in an exhilarating way.

At present, a sort of national complacency surrounds religion. There is a vague sense that religion is being done for us by a department of state. With the passing of the official monopoly, a thousand flowers will bloom.

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