children are a gift

children are a gift September 1, 2003

Was chatting to one of my work colleagues today about marriage and children. We spoke about how some people have a child to bring them together. I feel this is a mistake as if committment is not in a relationship initially the addition of an extramouth (or three as one couple I know are going to have at once- and they have another one under two also!) will not help that.

I feel that for me my committment is not primarily to my children but to my wife. Parenthood is a transient phase of life, marriage isn’t or rather it shouldnt be. My role as a father is one of gradually letting go- and on Wednesday I will be taking Henry to school for the first time. Before I know it, he will be at college.

Then I will still have my wife.

And I will be glad.

She is a wonderful friend, accomplis and allie.

My love for my kids stems from my love for her.

Some things are meant to last forever.

Do you feel that way about someone special?

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