Jesus the reflection of Gods glory.

Jesus the reflection of Gods glory. September 28, 2003

Radical Congruency | Justin Baeder’s Blog states: “to say that God is infinite is to say that He is measureless. Measurement is the way created things have of accounting for themselves. It describes limitations, imperfections, and cannot apply to God….It is the way we see the works of His hands, but no thte way we see Him. He is above all this, outside of it, beyond it.

And yet, in Christ we find a Person who is remarkably measurable, who grew in stature (which was certainly measureable to his carpenter father Joseph), who lived at a certain time and place. This Christ, paradox of infinitude and limitation, came to reveal what could not otherwise be known. Infinitude revealed through a limited reflection.”

The infintite holy unkowable becomes finite, knowable and ultimately becomes sin on the cross that we might know the God who knows no limits

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