In the top 1000

In the top 1000 November 30, 2003

After all I said earlier today about the Kingdom of blogs and how I was doing my best to get back to real blogging, why did it cause some interest to me that I have made a jump in the Ecosystem. It seems if the contest was about drawing peoples attention to some lowly blogs like mine then it has succeeded. Today I jump to being a Flapping Bird (a high honour indeed for a blog thats less than a year old!) and also go below 1000 in the rankings as well. So in theory I am now in the top 1000 blogs on the internet.

That probably meant less to me than being described as an ‘excellent blogger’ by Nick Queen of Patriot Paradox in an email. His remarks about the King of Blogs contest being ‘only a game’ were probably timely also. I have certainly enjoyed it!

All this blog promotion stuff can get rather addictive if you aren’t careful though. Perhaps it is just as well that I have got a CD of an old preach of mine on meekness out to listen to this week! If Blogging is in danger of making you proud, why not listen to or read

my sermon ‘Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the Earth’

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