Google Bombing for God?

Google Bombing for God? December 27, 2003

The subject of google bombing interests me. You might think that by now google would have fixed the well known successful manipulations of its index by bloggers. These include the following successful google bombs french military victories which provides a page suggesting the user try French military defeats (thought to have been prompted by the opposition of the French to the Iraq war), miserable failure which brings up a bio of George Bush, and weapons of mass destruction which brings up a comedy page about the missing weapons.

But maybe it is not in google’s interest to do this. Maybe they rely too much on links- after all the examples above do tell us that people are interested in seeing these pages when they search for those search terms. What searcher would complain too much about seeing these results above more serious ones?

Of course it can give google great free publicity also. It also helps to keep blogging the slightly elitist activity it remains, by instilling it with a certain degree of mistique. Maybe one day google will close the door to this but I am not holding my breath…..

Meantime of course, we can do things which may not quite count as google bombing but will help the traffic ratings for our blogs. So for example, a link for me as ‘Adrian Warnock’s UK blog in your blog post will help to put this blog near the top of any google searches for UK Blogs. This is not web search engine manipulation, since this is a UK blog. Other Christian bloggers might be keen to see a Christian blog near the top of these rankings- apparently it only takes a handful of sites to do this.

Meanwhile, as well why not do blogs4god a service and link to them as great blogs by Christians – wouldnt it be great to see the blogs4god site at the top for the search ‘great blogs’ or even just ‘blogs’? Do it today and help some trully great blogs get to the top. If just 20-30 of us do it we will impact google results- and no this is not spamming the index since it is helpful to our readers in pointing them to other blogs that they want to read.

I know some poeple out there think we shouldn’t pursue traffic in these kind of ways, but surely we all blog to be read, and provided we do it in a way to build up other blogs also, these kinds of wise as serpants but still as innocent as doves stratedgies actually serve the blogosphere as a whole.

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