The Blogdom of God

The Blogdom of God December 3, 2003

My meteroric rise through the Ecosystem thanks to a few links from a few blogs has got me thinking….

What if a few great Christian blogs got together and determined that they would regularly link to each other. Not to fix the results of blog searches, but to highlight excelent quality blogging from throughout the Blogdom of God. What if these core blogs all agreed to post a set of links like the one in this post with suggested additions on their own blogs- a kind of Christian Blogdom hall of fame. What if we worked together to support one another and encourage great blogging. What if all these blogs were all available in the Blogdom of God meaning that blogging a new entry that takes your fancy just took a second or two and you could keep up with all these blogs really easily.

I suspect, given the handful of links I have received recently thanks to the King of Blogs contest and the impact that it has had on my hit rate, that such a loosely federated group of blogs could rise through the ranks really quickly and demonstrate to the world that the Blogdom of God can produce some of the most intelligent, inciteful and thought provoking blogs in the blogosphere.

I love ALL these blogs and I know there are more great ones out there. Please, consider reproducing this list on your own blog and adding your own favorites to them, and I will consider them for inclusion in the Blogdom of God. If I get flooded with requests, I will ask a few of you to consider pre-vetting blogs.

This is not in any way in competition with Blogs4God- that list is great but just doesnt have a working aggregator- not that I can figure out anyway. This list will also remain smaller and more manageable.

So here is is the current blogdom of God

++ relapsed catholic, au currant  blogs4God Broken Masterpieces ChristWeb

Dr Adrian Warnock’s  Jake Rinard  Joshua Claybourn King of Fools One Hand Clapping Patriot Paradox psychmed Reverend Mike’s House of Homiletic Hash  The Edge of England’s Sword the evangelical outpost The Happy Husband the intimate personal life of k3 the screaming mute Wanderings of a Post-Modern Pilgrim

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