How strong a biblical worldview do you have?

How strong a biblical worldview do you have? August 12, 2004

According to Worldview I am a “Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker.” I scored 145/170 points, or 85%. I have some concerns about this tho….

Firstly, just how strong a biblical worldview can I have when I lied in order to even be allowed to take the test? I told them I lived in Peuto Ricco. My understanding from West Wing is that this is a colony of the US, so since the US used to be a colony of ours…… OK, I admit it, thats no excuse I LIED!!! Still parablemania asked us, is it is ever biblically acceptable to lie.?

Anyway leaving aside my lying tendancies, the very notion of a group of Christians telling us what the ‘correct’ answers are is rather annoying. I would love to see a test like this but which is more aimed at helping those who are not Christians understand their worldview and how it differs from the Christian. Mind you I wonder if there is a test online for Christians to help them identify if they are Calvinist or Arminian, Cessationist or pentecostal, or whatever…?

Some of the questions in any case didnt to my mind have a right or wrong answer- here’s where I disagreed significantly with their answers. Firstly, “As long as government is serving the purpose for which God created it, government is approved by God.” Well nope actually. God raises governments that he does not approve to serve his purposes sometimes. I guess the Babylonians would be a case in point. More evil than the Jews, they were given prominence to enact the judgement of God. Doesnt mean that God approved of them tho…..

“Physically and mentally healthy adults that do not work should not be protected from suffering the consequences of their actions.” If that said WILL not work, I would agree, but when there is no work governments must protect those who do not work!

“All forms of government-sponsored Socialism stifle economic growth and prosperity to one degree or another.” Since when is that a biblical absolute? Show me that statement is true from the bible! (Note especially ‘all forms’)

“The most biblically based tax system would be one based on a flat tax system where everyone pays the same percentage of their income in taxes.” The bible tells us to simply give to Ceaser what he asks of us. I don’t believe that it speaks to this issue at all.

“The federal government should not fund school-based health clinics which would include safe-sex counseling.” Mmm… given that we live in a society where many do not follow our norms, might it not be reasonable for some Christians to believe this was a good idea? Particularly if taught in a Red Amber Green type system- ie to grade the risks and teach abstinence as the safest option, but inform of the grades of risk in other behaviours. Why is this question considered so important- at the very least those with a biblical worldview could argue both sides on this one.

A Christian college professor and the Evangelical Outpost have criticised these tests as they felt they scored too lowely on them- some useful stuff on both sites.

Thanks to Flyover nation for this link, who’s a new member of the Blogdom of God and has a most impressive site.

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