A Decablog

A Decablog January 22, 2005

Well, credit where credit is due. My lovely wife came up with an interesting name for the new 10 Christian Blogs page- The Decablog. I think we will keep the Christian Blogs bit and call it

10 Christian Blogs:a Decablog

Thanks also for all the other Christian Blogs that have been talking lately about the need for us to network. I hope that everyone fully understands the heart behind the Decablog. It is certainly not to make anyone feel left out- I was expecting people to say “no” and have to look for others but there was such a warm response to the idea that it just has to be an idea who’s time has come.

I hope that we can be a small group of bloggers who can inspire, encourage, help and most of all link to many other Christian blogs. We have all been around for a while, and I am sure if one of us becomes less popular or posts too infrequently then that one will be happy to make room for another. We hope you will go on liking us together as you have already apart. Our individual blogs remain, the idea of this is that it is just another way to “cut” the blogosphere.

It is so easy to set up an aggregator that I hope many of you will do the same. The more we cut up the blogosphere and allow people to find groups of blogs they like the more inter-relationships there will be.

Razzorkiss was right- we need lots of networks that are not exclusive- I am not sure how many aggregators my blog is in now- but I am sure that each one of them gets me new readers which is great.

Get networking……

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