"Christian" Voice : Jerry Springer death threats a step way too far

"Christian" Voice : Jerry Springer death threats a step way too far January 9, 2005

I was criticised by a commentator for calling on people to provide email addresses of supporters of the for the concerned public to contact in a civil manner. Personally I do not think that is going too far at all. Provided emails are pollite they are merely a nuscience and pose no security risk. Worst case scenario even if your mailbox is flooded you can always change your address. Most public figures have a public email account in any case (I am no public figure but mine is published freely above).

But a website calling itself the Christian Voice was foolish in the extreme in publishing public figures private addresses and phone numbers online. You will be glad to know that they are offline now but I can vouch for the fact that they were there previously.

There should not be a right to protest outside someones private house. It is one thing to picket a workplace to write letters or yes emails another to invade a family home and send children into hiding for fear of their lives.

I guess one could use the fact that death threats have been issued as a measure of the strength of feeling generated by this blasphemous broadcast but I am shocked and appalled that someone feels that such behaviour is an acceptable protest concerning a TV program.

The BBC do need to look at what they have done in being so offensive but just tor riterate I wish to distance myself completely from the so-called “Christian Voice” who had no business publishing personal details online and from the dangerous cranks who made the phone calls that have sent BBC executives into hiding.

I shall be emailing the BBC a copy of this message.

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