Penal substitution defended against the attacks of neo-liberals

Penal substitution defended against the attacks of neo-liberals February 10, 2005

Greg Haslam doesnt mince his words-

…..the cross worked in several directions at once: man-ward, satanward and God-ward, and of these three its effects on God are the most significant and fundamental (2 Cor 5:19; Heb 9:24; 1 John 2:1-2). Without the perspective of penal substitution, none of the other interpretations can stand or even make sense.

There’s an alarming tendency in the church today to jettison tried and tested truths in search of something fresh and original to say to our contemporaries. The modern church seems bored with the out-dated content of the full biblical message. Like a panicking airplane crew in trouble due to structural or mechanical failure, some are too ready to lighten the ballast of a church experiencing turbulence, by emptying the cargo and fuel tanks in mid air – the very purpose for the flight, and the power essential to reach the destination! A damaged church in a storm, doesn’t need to jettison her message or abandon the Spirit’s power, she needs to pay attention to the container, or vehicle of delivery. The message is fixed in scripture, and is not expendable.

Jettisoning tried and tested truths in the search for orginal things to say-thats a good definition of neo-liberalism in my book.

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