Doctor Who- dabbling in pollitics and the return of the Daleks

Doctor Who- dabbling in pollitics and the return of the Daleks April 26, 2005

Newton’s Third Law is salivating at the return of the Daleks which will hit the UK screens this Saturday. Surprisingly no one seems to have blogged about the rather poor taste dig at Tony Blair that was made in the last episode. The plot centres around aliens who disguise themselves as politicians and there is a clip as follows-

The alien disguised as the Prime Minister: “Our inspectors have searched the sky above our heads and and they have found massive weapons of destruction, capable of being deployed within 45 seconds.”

Dr. Who: “He’s just making it up, there’s no weapons up there, there’s no threat”.

Harriet Jones: “Do you think they’ll believe him?”

Rose: “Well, they did last time”.

Whilst it made good TV, the BBC is a public service broadcaster. Surely during an election campaign they should not be airing a clip on an entertainment programme so obviously designed to embarass the prime minister?

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