New christian book reviews site

New christian book reviews site April 5, 2005

I am thrilled to be able to announce a new project that I am fortunate enough to be peripherally involved in (OK, so far I have contributed one review so it really is peripheral involvement!) Tim Challies who is much loved by many Christian bloggers has started a repository for quality book reviews of Christian books.

Today, it is increasingly true that “of making many books there is no end” (Ecl 12:12, ESV). Christians are deluged by so many new books that sadly many drown in the flood and simply give up reading altogether. Good books provide protection from the twin dangers of our time, neglect of Christian doctrine and outright contradiction. The dietofbookworms fullfills a vital need for the modern church. It singposts believers to great Christian books that will cause our faith to grow. There is no better place to read about the good, the bad and the ugly of Christian books. Tim Challies and his team of reviewers are guarenteed to help you “find words of delight” (Ecl 12:10). Read this site and you will be amazed at how many great Christian books that will do you good are readily available today.

So go over there right now and explore this wonderful site, or in the meantime why not read my reviews of books I believe every christian should read (keep coming back- this list will keep on growing)

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