Pop over and say something kind to iMonk right now!

Pop over and say something kind to iMonk right now! June 10, 2005

I hadnt even finished my post recommending soemthing from iMonk’s site when I received something I have never ever received before in the history of my blogging. It was an email asking me NOT to link to him! Can you imagine, a blogger requesting me NOT to link? “Why did he ask this?” I hear you say. Well Michael was concerned that my linking him might cause some controversy to head in my direction. Of all the kindness I have received this amazed me the most in a long time. Well, his was one request I am delighted to ignore! Here are some extracts of my reply to his email which I wanted to make public:

I have linked to you and honored you I hope in a christ-like way. I do not care if I find that there are things that I disagree with you on. Even jollyblogger and I who are practically blogging twins do have things we disagree on.

For me, blogging should not just be about people of totally like-minds coming together to pat one another on the back. That for many is the first phase of blogging for sure, but what is far more important to our spirtitual maturity is the ability to engage with others who we may naver have met in real life.

I really do believe God loves ALL his church and that he intends for us to learn from one another. Your intereaction with Steve impressed me immensely not least because of the grace with which you handled him…..

David is my blogging hero, but nothing he has ever written has moved me as much as the few paragraphs I have quoted today from your blog.

If everything else on your blog is dung it would be worth trawling through it all just to find these precious pearls which in my view are on a par with anything outside of the bible I have ever read. Many great theologians will never write anything as meaningful in their entire lives.

DO NOT give up your work.

If my linking you brings trouble my way I say BRING IT ON!!

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