Choosing a bible and the ESV contest

Choosing a bible and the ESV contest July 18, 2005

Two more loose ends to tie up about the recent ESV series. Firstly, I’d like to link to a fantastic book by Leland Ryken called Choosing a bible. This book is available to buy or as a free pdf download. It explains simply the rational behind an essentially literal version. Leland argues that we believe that the very words of the bible are inspired and not just the “meaning” behind them. Certainly as a preacher being able to transparently see how translators have come to a particular rendering when reading the greek is most helpful. I am sure that the forthcoming ESV reverse interlinear will make greatly aid a reader who wants to see the relationship between the English and Greek.

The second loose end is to link to the ESV contest timeline which aims to demystify the whole interview and contest that recently finished. The ESV people are full of great ideas- the latest is to use google earth for biblical maps!

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