GOD or NOT? An opportunity for dialogue between atheists and Christians

GOD or NOT? An opportunity for dialogue between atheists and Christians September 17, 2005

GOD or NOT: A Blog Carnival has been launched. It is described as follows:

“In September of 2005, an unprecedented ‘blog swap’ took place between an atheist site and a Christian one. Chad from Eternal Revolution and ‘I Am’ from The Evangelical Atheist agreed to post to each other’s sites in an effort to improve the understanding of each side by the other. The exchange was considered an overwhelming success, and all involved wanted to find a way to keep the dialog open. The GOD or NOT Carnival was born”

This is a very interesting development. The first “host” is a bone-fide athheist called The Skeptic Rant- just see what he makes of the bible“The bible even reads like a group blog, a very violent, depressing, long winded, self contradictory, group blog.”

Interestingly the first topic is on “original sin”. This could be a very interesting development in the blogosphere- I always hoped a time would come where blogs would begin to interact from right accross the religious divide.

Any takers?

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