More foolishness…..what have I started?

More foolishness…..what have I started? September 30, 2005

DISCLAIMER- please take this post and the ones that prompted it with a pinch of salt! They are intended to be humorous. First time visitors had best ignore the whole thing!

Long-timers will know that despite appearances this is actually a phony blog war. Tim, pyromaniac and I love each other deeply, although only pyromaniac and I demonstrate that love by blogroll links. Tim doesnt blogroll either of us, which is no great surprise as he hardly blogrolls ANYONE and has been known to torture bloggers by dangling a link before them only to whip it away from them.

Since Challies links to so few, pyromaniac some more, and I so many, in my view in any contest between the three of us about click thrus we should correct for the fact that my links are so generously shared around. Its easy to get a bunch of hits leaving your site when there are so few places for them to go.

Of course I could be really mean and say that in one sense a click out of a site indicates that the clicker is now bored and cant find their way around the site they are on to find more content…..perhaps once people come to my site they get sucked in to compelling content so much that the simply cannot bear to leave. One person recently spoke of spending literally hours nosing around my archive. Could it be that reading Tim is rewarding only in small doses?

Tim has risen to the bait, and just for the record so far I have received around 25 visits to the post he links to, which isnt as many as the forty one of the commentators on Centurion’s original post got from mine.

So far pyromaniac is trying to be mature and rise above it all. My bet is that he won’t manage to sustain this and will join the fray on his blog within 24hours.

Tim lays down the guantlet with a highly erroneous appeal to history which could easily ahve come from a Hollywood movie “as history has proven time and time again, these British folk, like the little kid on the playground who runs to the safety of his big brother, will only fight when the Americans have their back. Thus Adrian has also seeks to poison the mind of Phil Johnson so that he will turn on me.”

Tim needs to know that there was a time not so long ago when we ruled them and they have never ruled us. Also, in WW2 we fought for rather a long time WITHOUT any support from our American cousins who waited to make sure they could back the winning side. Also, this is a three-way battle for supremacy so I think that Tims second comment there betrays clear evidence of paranoia in my opinion.

Tim goes onto list reasons why you should visit pyromaniac or I rather than himself.

Number 2. was the most hurtful- “To make yourself feel better about your housekeeping. Adrian’s blog is so disorganized it will make even the most cluttered room seem positively feng shui.”

Tell me people truthfully, does my blog look disorganised? If so, what elements should go- perhaps I should start with my link to

Tim also mocks my accent- but he doesnt understand its the YANKS that have an accent- we speak English as it was meant to be spoken.

Tim also claims I believe that none of the warnie readers “had any readers or anything to offer before the award.” Well, actually I give the award out to people that I feel have got something to offer and usually that means at least a few people are visiting at the same time. I think Tim had a counter that used to read around 20 hits a day at the time I added him. 20 hits is better than none of course……..

Tim also repeats an urban myth that will at this rate find its way onto one of those websites we all check when we get a dodgy spam mail. “Adrian and Jollyblogger are the same person”. Where did that idea come from I ask myself!

Tim being Tim he rounds his list off with possibly the nicest thing he has said about me (I only hope it wasnt a joke!). “And finally, because for some reason, unlike most of the rest of us, people actually seem to care what they say.”

But the real piece of good news is that Tim promises us he has been “working on an updated blogroll. It is taking some time because I am attempting to make it meaningful, which means that I cannot list every evangelical blog in the world. I am also annotating it, providing a brief glimpse of what I like about a particular site. I am hoping to launch this new feature next week.”

All I can say is that there are going to be a lot of bloggers who will be very disappointed not to be in that list. I only hope I am not one of them.

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