What is the gospel?

What is the gospel? September 15, 2005

I have written my first “proper” post over at theologica:

It is interesting how we launch straight into a forum like this and get stuck into some great theological discussions. I think though, it is important that we don’t assume too much at the outset. A while back a debate raged amoung some theoblogs about what exactly is the gospel, and our response to it. We discovered that many God bloggers had very different ideas about these foundations of our faith.

The debate seemed to be ignited initially by a simple summary of the gospel in ten points my wife created for a young childrens sunday school.

As a preacher, I of course felt the need to expand on and explain these, and I wrote a follow-up post I wrote in the light of some of that controversy. My explanation of the gospel is slightly less simple, but aims to describe what I understand to be the core of the gospel and our response to it.

I will post a slightly mofified version of my summary of the gospel in the extended post. I do want to say one thing up front, however. I think that before we move into the detail, I would like to state two strong opinions I have about the gospel up front-

1. Someone can be saved on the merest snippet of truth then spend a lifetime making sense of it.

2. The gospel actually includes the entire teaching of the bible and thus cannot be adequately contained in any system.

So, with those two limitations admitted, read on over at Theologica

I have posted the following:and lets hear what you think of the “simple gospel”

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