Round one of the great blogger charismatic cessationist debate

Round one of the great blogger charismatic cessationist debate November 8, 2005

In a post entitled Fight, fight Theophillis says : “Sort of. Adrian Warnock and Pyromaniac are Spurgeon-bashing each other. “

Meanwhile Paul Huxley isnt impressed yet :

What do I have to add? Well it seems that most of the blogging so far has been over whether Spurgeon was charismatic. Or a tug of war between two bunches of people who claim that the other side is appealing to experience rather than the Bible, whilst simultaneously appealing primarily to their experiences of the other bunch. Ah well, at least it’s in love…you guys post might just convince me and one or two other floaters who read your blogs. Let’s have exegesis!

We have only just begun…… and there is some biblical explanation in my previous debate with jollyblogger- its really up to the cessationists to tell us why we should take a different view.

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