Together on a conference

Together on a conference March 18, 2006

This is the time of year when I cast a slightly envious eye over to the vast array of conferences you have over in the States.  There are so many that I would be tempted to go to that it is just as well I am this side of the pond!  However, I can say that I am planning on attending Together on a Mission (the newfrontiers international leaders conference) in July.  It’s not too late to book to join us for what promises to be a great conference.  

All being well, this might also be my first live blogging conference, but a lot depends on whether I can get the technology working.  The other option is of course for it to be a week off blogging and instead jot some notes to publish on my return. Still that’s all a long way off but I am already looking forward to hooking up with some old friends, and perhaps a few of my blogging buddies!  I honestly think that like Together for the Gospel, this would be a conference worth making the trip over the pond to visit!

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