We Interrupt This Weekend to Bring You Breaking News . . .

We Interrupt This Weekend to Bring You Breaking News . . . September 23, 2006

STOP THE PRESSES! Commentators on a recent Pyromaniacs post have succeeded where I have failed. Cessationist Dan Phillips has been forced into a corner and now admits that – at least after a fashion – God CAN speak to us today. Does Dan realize what a slippery slope he has started on?

The following comment followed a storm created by his previous post which claimed prayer was a one-sided conversation with a God who never picks up the phone. Trust me, Dan, this might not sound like much, but this is where it all begins . . . before you know it, you will be asking members of your small group to “Put your hands down if you want a coffee . . .”

Dan’s charismatic pilgrimage begins:

“I do think we can retrospectively and fallibly see times when our apparently-solitary thinking, planning, analysis, and decision-making had been directed by God from ‘behind the scenes,’ as it were.”

The above post was written with my tongue firmly in my cheek . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN! – I love that phrase, “One year further from the womb and closer to the tomb” – brilliant!

But what I would like to know more about is one of the other comments which said:

BTW, I was listening to John MacArthur a couple of mornings ago and he said, “God laid it on my heart to . . .” What form, in your opinion, does that sort of “laying on the heart” take?

I think somebody has been spending too much time playing golf with C.J. Mahaney!

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