BLOGSPOTTING – 2007 Round-up

BLOGSPOTTING – 2007 Round-up February 18, 2007

It’s been awhile, so I thought it would be a nice idea to do a blogspotting post today. Blogspotting was initiated by Phil Johnson and ruthlessly copied by me and others. It is simply a way for me to thank all of you for linking to this blog. Links are the lifeblood of the Internet, and the more of them we send each other’s way, the healthier the Internet is as a whole. They also help Google out a lot. Think of links as bonds of friendship that also form the signpost system for the Internet highway. It’s the nearest thing the Internet has to a good old fashioned library card index system. It is because links are so central to the workings of the Google search engine that it has taken them so long to figure out a way of diffusing Google bombs. So here goes with some reciprocal linky love.

First up is my friend, Andrew Fountain. He has linked twice recently. He liked my sermon on Revival and shared about his meeting with John Lanferman.

Speaking of new friends, in a post entitled Adrian Warnock on Mars Hill Church, Mark Moore is incredibly kind.

John Schroeder links to me in a post Rules of Interpretation and Lessons for the Church.

Another friend, Phil Johnson, is almost as excited as I am about the revival of Charles Simeon’s works.

In a move that might spark surprise in both the Warnock and Phillips camps, the Christian Reconciliation Carnival #1 holds us both up as examples of how to debate with brotherly love.

Jollyblogger tells the world I have joined LinkedIn, and is trying to encourage everybody to do that. Requests to join my network and complimentary testimonials gratefully received!

Steve Bishop has discovered my interview with Wayne Grudem. A visitor to our church, who at the time was clearly at the brink of conversion, now publicly identifies himself as a Christian and claims I wink a lot!

Wayne Leman predictably linked my quote from Lewis on translating into the vernacular to Bible translation. Kevin also links to my writings about the ESV Bible.

Morning Highlights and Mark Olson both describe Lloyd-Jones as “early modern,” which seems like a strange phrase to me and makes me wonder which of them didn’t “hat tip” the other.

Joe Carter’s Outtakes of 02.06.07 linked to my still unsolved Spurgeon challenge.

In a post entitled “Revival and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit” the wonderfully-named A Debtor to Mercy blog linked to my post on Piper’s view of the Doctor.

I received to my knowledge my first link in a foreign language blog “Confissões de Um Reformado Carismático“—a machine translation of the post reads reasonably well. Also, in a post entitled “Lütuf Doktrini (Seçilmişlik Öğretisi) ile ilgili ingilizce websiteler” by Les Huguenots, I noticed a link to a very old post of mine on Limited Atonement.

Speaking of new links to old posts, there was one to my definiton of the term “Reformed Charismatic“.

My interview with a deacon at Mars Hill generated a few links, with one blogger saying Remember Wendy? Another asked Ever Heard of Wendy Alsup? And yet another replied I’ve heard of Wendy Alsup! One blogger surely gets the last word with “When Wendy Speaks, Everybody Listens.”

One blogger is glad they followed the link for one of my adverts and says “LOGOS: Truly an Amazing Resource.” Another agrees with my book review of What is Reformed Theology? Another linked to a post I wrote On Theological Argument for Argument’s Sake. Jeff Wright provides one of the few links I could find to anything I have written on revival. Priorities likes an observation I made about blogging.

Russell very kindly nominated me for one of the 2007 Weblog Awards. I didn’t win!

The Pulpit Magazine is in the middle of a series Revisiting the Charismatic Question and links to me. I am not sure whether to go over there and see if they have any new arguments to interact with. Do you want to see more on this blog about that issue? I haven’t forgotten, by the way, my intention to publish a summary post listing arguments in favor of a charismatic position or reviews of a couple more useful books on the subject.

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