Shepherds Conference V – Al Mohler: Preaching the Cross, Not Human Wisdom

Shepherds Conference V – Al Mohler: Preaching the Cross, Not Human Wisdom March 9, 2007

Dr. Al Mohler is next up at the Shepherds’ Conference. I just can’t get over how similar the line-up is at all these different conferences these days!

You may notice a discrepancy in the numbering between my blog and Tim’s. This is because Tim has numbered one of his posts that discuss things that have been happening outside of the sessions.

Go over to Tim’s blog to read the rest of this, but I found this quote stood out for me in our current age. I do value Mohler’s prophetic way of assessing the world in which we live, and how it is similar and different to that of the Bible era:

“We don’t worry too much today about orators coming to town or sophisticated eloquence being the problem in our churches. Our problem is that everything is distilled to a sound bite, to commercials. If you can’t say it in thirty seconds, it’s not worth saying. In our harmonic age, when people mostly want to feel better about themselves, there are those who will package whatever you want to sell to meet the expectation. You can package things to meet any need, either real or created. Politicians play this game and spend millions to help them reframe and repackage their platforms in order to alienate the fewest and attract the most. This is all pathos, no logos, no need for ethos. Much the same is true in the church. Paul was concerned that any reliance on the game that was expected would reduce the gospel’s power.”

Al Mohler

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