9Marks Conference on Church Growth

9Marks Conference on Church Growth May 14, 2007

9Marks has announced a conference entitled Gospel Growth vs. Church Growth. Here is the information from the website:

Tuesday October 30 — Thursday November 1, 2007

Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.

About the conference
It’s hard for pastors not to be mesmerized by church growth. Who doesn’t want their congregation to grow? Who doesn’t want to see numbers and budgets increasing year by year? And who isn’t greatly interested when the latest growth model comes along, the latest research, the latest insight that promises us the key to such growth?

But there’s growth and there’s growth.

Understanding what the New Testament means by growth, and how that growth happens, sets us free. It liberates us from anxiety and self-doubt, and from the slavery of chasing the latest program.

Matthias Media, in association with 9Marks, is pleased to present ‘Gospel Growth vs Church Growth’, a conference for pastors, evangelists and ministry trainees.

At this conference, you will learn about the growth that is central to God’s plan, and how that growth is achieved. But the conference will not just be about biblical ‘principles’. It will also be about the practicalities of what these principles mean for your local ministry, and about making you more effective in it.

Four key addresses by Phillip Jensen will be the foundation of our conference, with Mark Dever also contributing a valuable keynote address. Tony Payne and Phillip will also give two practical seminars, and there will be a forum with all three speakers answering questions and engaging in further exploration of the ideas.

When: Tuesday, October 30 through Thursday, November 1, 2007.

Registration begins at 2:00 pm on Tuesday. Conference will conclude by noon on Thursday.

Where: Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. Parking is limited.

Cost: $95.00

Special rates apply for students and pastors of small churches. Please contact us for details. Earlybird rate: $80.00 (register by August 15).

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