Talking to Children About Race

Talking to Children About Race May 31, 2007

Over at Pure Church there is a good article about how we should talk to children about race. It is well worth a read. I have included the headlines here:

  1. Talk with your children about ethnicity (the nations) rather than “race.”
  2. Talk about ethnicity in a way that magnifies the power and wisdom of God. We should be amazed more often than we are (excuse me for projecting my dullness onto you!) at the sheer power and wisdom of God who can create “difference” and “same” in His creation …
  3. Talk about the need of all men for the Savior. Not only are we alike in our humanity, but we are therefore alike in our sin, guilt, shame, and need for divine rescue. We are far more alike than we are different …
  4. Talk about the Gospel and the Church as the plan of God to demonstrate unity across such diversity and to display His wisdom.

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