I Want It All . . . Continued

I Want It All . . . Continued July 20, 2007

Yesterday I was speaking of wanting it all . . . well, there are six very precious people who I want to spend some serious time with this summer. So this will be my last post for at least two weeks, and quite possibly longer. Certainly if I do blog at all in August, it’s my intention that it will not be much or very frequent. If you still want to fill your coffee break, come back and follow the links to Warnie headlines which will keep appearing in the sidebar.

Or, if you have missed reading some of my older posts, go right ahead and follow the headlines listed on the following pages from the last few months:

It has been an eventful and full few months of blogging, with interviews with John Lanferman, Liam Goligher, Rob Rufus, Terry Virgo, and Tom Shaw, and then Andrew Fountain turned the tables and interviewed me. Then there were all those posts on the Together On a Mission conference, preaching, the atonement, and the resurrection. Another highlight for me was visiting George Whitefield’s final resting place, and in the same post I spoke of listening to a talk on the Lewis Revival by Duncan Campbell.

For the first time, I also found myself in the right place to break a news story. The debate around the true reasons for the split between Spring Harvest and Word Alive certainly rocked the blogosphere, and the events of the past few months seem likely to have lasting significance for UK Evangelicalism. I first discussed the controversy sparked by Steve Chalke a couple of years ago, and it shows no signs of abating.

I find it hard to believe that any of my readers have read everything I have written in the last few months, so I feel no guilt at all as I sign out to do something much more important than anything I have ever written — to spend time with the most important people in my life, my family.

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