Video of My Sermon on The Bible

Video of My Sermon on The Bible December 5, 2008

A few weeks back I preached a sermon from Nehemiah 8 entitled “Back To The Word.” A video of it is now available to download. My notes and an mp3 are also available, and you can subscribe to our vodcast or podcast to get the rest of the series. A new sermon from the series is now available for online streaming.

I have been encouraged to hear that a number of those who heard have since been listening to or reading the Every Day In the Word reading plan. If you don’t have a reading plan of your own, or the one you are using isn’t working for you, why not join us?

There are still a few weeks to get into the habit of reading the Bible for fifteen minutes a day before the New Year starts. That investment of time this December could make 2009 the year you manage to read the Bible through.

As well as reading it on the Web (where it can also be read to you), you can print the plan, or subscribe via RSS, the podcast feed, and e-mail.

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