Revival On The Isle Of Lewis

Revival On The Isle Of Lewis August 14, 2009


I have quoted this before, but feel stirred today to quote it again. Listening to this recording of a man who ministered during the last significant revival in the British Isles stirred me when I first heard it a couple of years ago. It is guaranteed to stir you too. Wake us up O Lord!

“One evening, an old woman 84 years of age and blind, had a vision. Now don’t ask me to explain this vision because I cannot, but strange things happen when God begins to move. This dear old lady in the vision saw the church of her fathers crowded with young people, and she saw a strange minister in the pulpit. Duncan CampbellShe was so impressed by this revelation, because a revelation it was, she sent for the minister and told her story. The parish minister was a God-fearing man, a man who longed to see God working. Oh, he had tried ever so many things to get the youth of the parish interested, but not one single teenager attended the church. That was the situation. Well, what did the old lady have to say to him? I’ll tell you what she said: “I am sure, Mr. McKay, that you are longing to see God working. What about calling your office bearers together and suggesting to them that you spend two nights a week waiting upon God? You have tried missions, you have tried special evangelists, Mr. Mckay, have you tried God?” Oh, I tell you this is a wonderful old woman. So he meekly obeyed and said, “Yes, I’ll call the session together and I will suggest that we meet on Tuesday night and Friday night, and we’ll spend the whole night in prayer.” I tell you, dear people, here were men who meant business. The dear old lady said, “Well, if you do that, my sister and I will get on our knees at ten o’clock on Tuesday and ten o’clock on Friday and pray until 4 a.m. . . .” And in the prayers, according to the minister, they would say again and again, “God, you are a covenant-keeping God and you must be true to your engagements . . .” One night a very remarkable thing happened. They were kneeliing amongst straw, the straw of a barn house. Suddenly one young man rose and read part of Psalm 24: “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord” (vv.3-5a). And then that young man closed his Bible. And looking down at the minister and the elders, he spoke these crude words (but perhaps not so crude in our Gaelic language): “It seems to me to be so much humbug to be praying as we are praying, to be waiting as we are waiting, if we ourselves are not rightly related to God.” And then he lifted his two hands and prayed, “God, are my hands clean? Is my heart pure?” That dear man got no further, he fell on his knees and then on his face on the straw. In a matter of minutes three of the elders fell into a trance . . . when that happened in the barn . . . a power was let loosed . . . that shook the whole of Lewis. God stepped down. The Holy Spirit began to move among the people . . . God seemed to be everywhere . . . ”

Listen to the rest of the recording of Duncan Campbell discussing the revival on Lewis


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