Why do we only talk about the resurrection at Easter?

Why do we only talk about the resurrection at Easter? March 30, 2010

Christianity.com are running an extract:

Although we talk about the death of Jesus often, for some reason we have tended to only mention the resurrection at Easter time. Christians sometimes even say Jesus died to save us without mentioning that he also rose for our salvation. It’s time to redress the balance a bit and talk more about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

For Christians all over the world, every Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. We meet each week, among other things, in order to celebrate the glorious, wondrous fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection really did change everything. It changed the cross from a tragedy into a triumph, and it changed the Roman Empire into a Christian state. This was the most powerful divine event in the history of creation, and it ushered in a new age of the Holy Spirit’s activity and power in saving and transforming lives.

When considering if Christianity is true, it all boils down to whether Jesus rose from the dead.

More at  The Empty Cross, The Empty Tomb – Easter – Christianity.com.

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