“Without the resurrection, we have nothing”

“Without the resurrection, we have nothing” March 25, 2010

Aaron Armstrong recently wrote that Raised With Christ is “one of the few new books that I’d classify as essential reading.”  He has also reviewed the book on his blog.  Here is an extract:

“Christianity hinges not only on the empty cross but also on an empty tomb,” writes Adrian Warnock . . . For such an important doctrine, there are shockingly few books written about it. Warnock discovered this for himself when he was asked to preach on Easter Sunday at his church in 2007 . . .

But this should not be, according to Warnock.

[W]ithout the resurrection we would still be in our sins. Without the resurrection we are lost and there is no hope! There is no salvation without a living Jesus. We need the resurrection to have its power-generating effect inside of us if we are to be born again. We really are “saved by his life” (Romans 5:10) [p.67] . . .

Without the Resurrection, We Have Nothing

This is critical for Christians to remember, as it’s tempting to shuffle the resurrection off into a corner and ignore it, or suggest that if we learned that if Jesus didn’t rise physically, but only spiritually, we wouldn’t lose anything. But the fact is, if Christ didn’t rise, we have lost everything . . .

Raised with Christ is an important book. That’s not something I say that lightly. Warnock’s passion for the resurrection of Jesus saturates this book. It’s what makes the good news “good news.” And to neglect it would be to our folly. Read this book and be inspired to see how the resurrection changes everything.

Book Review: Raised with Christ by Adrian Warnock « Blogging Theologically.

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