Terry Virgo: restoring churches to New Testament model must lead to evangelism

Terry Virgo: restoring churches to New Testament model must lead to evangelism October 18, 2010

In this the third of a series of videos from Terry Virgo, he speaks about how in the early days Newfrontiers was so much about restoring the church we almost forgot evangelism. Then God spoke to us. Terry went on to explain that in his view people do not always get converted having heard a detailed gospel explanation, explaining, you can get a healthy convert when he picks up a fragment of truth. However, the way you become mature is by the atmosphere of the community you get saved into. Thats how discples are made. We must work on the church all the time, at the same time as working on evangelism. In Acts two they were “added” it doesnt say simply they were saved. Watch the rest:


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