Avoiding Pracictal Atheism (1 Thess 4:8) Bo Noonan

Avoiding Pracictal Atheism (1 Thess 4:8) Bo Noonan January 16, 2011

God is our adoptive father. We are in the family of God. But many of us live like we don’t know that God is our father. God is not guilt tripping, and he is not insecure. But he is often asking us, do you realize that I am your Father?

Atheists believe there is no God and so why would he affect our lives at all. But many Christians live as though God is not real. You may believe certain doctrines, but they don’t affect your life. Belief is meant to affect how you act.

God made the world, came and died for us, rose again, sent the Holy Spirit, and is coming back. Satan believes all that.

God’s will is that you be sanctified. You need to understand the difference between justification and sanctification. You were justified completely immediately on conversion. Sanctification is a process. God loves you so much that he loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to leave you that way.

If you try and add to Jesus righteousness your own acts that is denying the validity of what Jesus has done for you. You do not have to pass a theology exam to be saved. You do not have to clean up your moral act to become a Christian. But God works with us to change us. If you begin to doubt your salvation, look back at the historical event – the cross and the empty tomb.

What is our doctrine? God created me, and saved me. If we believe that, our life should match that doctrine. The way of life God gives us is the best life. Proverbs tells us that the way of the transgressor is hard. God’s way is full of joy and life.

Jesus must be our Lord, our Savior and our delight. Life stirs up our affections. God created all things to stir your affection for him. God uses everything in this life, including suffering to draw us to him. God wants us to be conformed to his image (see Romans 8:28:29). We are meant to be mature. Immature Christians sometimes feel blessed and other times feel cursed. When bad things happen you are still blessed.

God wants the nations to come and worship him. That is the purpose of this world, and he will use things in your life to cause you to play your part in that purpose of God.

Repent quickly. Confess often. Do not confess your sins to everyone. You need to have someone in your life who knows your biggest battles. Go and be part of the mission of God. Go seriously, knowing that there is a mission. Don’t just look for open doors. Knock them down if God is sending you somewhere. Spend your life for God. Don’t be conformed to the pattern of this world. We go together. We have a vision for 100 US cities to have multiplying churches in. Go and play your part.

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