The all-new Jubilee Church London Website

The all-new Jubilee Church London Website January 23, 2011

I am delighted to announce that we have launched a new version of our church’s website: The site will allow you easy access to video and audio sermons from our site, as well as video trailers about our church and some of our events. I hope you enjoy browsing it.

For the techie people among you it is a WordPress site (though some say it deoesn’t look much like it). It utilizes the fantastic Thesis theme, as well as Total Cache, a CDN, and the Meteor Slides plugin, which allows the slideshows to work on iPads. I am very proud of my wife’s design ability which lies behind the new look. I may be biased but I really feel she is developing into a skilled designer! I hope you will agree if you take a look.

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