Bob Roberts on Getting Missional DNA into a church

Bob Roberts on Getting Missional DNA into a church February 26, 2011

Bob Roberts is a man on a mission, and he makes sure all his church plants are on that same mission:

We require our new churches to do 3 things:  work somewhere around the world in a hard place, work with the poorest in the inner-city, and multiply churches.  We have them do all this in the first 12 to 24 months.  Why?  Because we are setting DNA.  If this is done early on, like the offering, like evangelism, then it will only grow as the church grows – but if it is not done until a church has so many or so much it will never happen.  The spread of the early church wasn’t because of local mega-churches with big budgets and lots of seminarians.  It’s never about how much money and how many people you have.  If you have 100 million and you give it away this year, in most countries the next year they’ll be asking for another 100m and forget where the last one went.  It’s about obedience and God’s resources – not yours. . .  READ MORE at HOW POOR CHRISTIANS LIVE OUT GLOCAL ENGAGEMENT.

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