Tweets from 2011-04-29

Tweets from 2011-04-29 April 29, 2011
  • Qn to help with my prepration. For those of you who have studied at seminary / bible college. Did they teach you resurrection apologetics? #
  • Another quick question: For those of you without seminary or bible college are you confident in sharing why you believe Jesus rose again? #
  • Do U think most Christians can easily outline the historical and logical arguments for Jesus resurrection being genuine? Does that matter? #
  • I head someone took a whole course at a reformed theological seminary on apologetics and never covered the historicity of the resurrection #
  • @anthonysomerset @hughbo @cssgareth @pearsonified Thesis ROCKS. I'm no coder but using forums me & wife did in reply to anthonysomerset #
  • For those not taught resurrection apologetics was that because of ? #
  • @DaveKetter Reading Wright was good advice. Raised With Christ condenses masses of his work, with other resurrection apol. into one chapter. in reply to DaveKetter #
  • Question for fellow reformed charismatics. Have you heard presuppositional apologetics much or is it more cessationist reformed brothers? #
  • @DaveKetter Well mine is a lot shorter than his! in reply to DaveKetter #
  • @kidhamzee I have heard of him. But I do not think that the presuppositional apologetics are very mainstream among reformed charismatics in reply to kidhamzee #
  • @X1Watford Did that handle resurrection then? If so how did it handle it? in reply to X1Watford #
  • OK, so another question. How helpful do people find traditional resurrection apologetics in their evangelism? #
  • @X1Watford Tell me more in 140 characters…. in reply to X1Watford #
  • @AakashRaut "Who moved the stone" kind of arguments and Josh McDowell stuff in reply to AakashRaut #
  • One more question: How helpful do people find traditional resurrection apologetics in their own personal faith / ie in encouraging them? #
  • @JonWinslow Talk some more about "Being" a presupostional. Dont people often draw from many apologetics streams? Do you have to select one? in reply to JonWinslow #
  • @JonWinslow Talk to me a bit about the presuppositional view of resurrection apologetics in reply to JonWinslow #
  • @Yeruvan Who Moved the Stone, Josh McDowell etc… in reply to Yeruvan #
  • OK the heart of my questions: Does it matter whether we can "prove" or at least suggest a logical argument to support the empty tomb? #
  • In other words, is one of the seminars I am preparing for a waste of time? If not, why not? #
  • @JonWinslow Gotcha…just wondered about the term of phrase saying you "are" a presuppositional! in reply to JonWinslow #
  • @courtneyjread Good for your Courtney! The background is I'm doing a seminar on resurrection evidence from a chapter in Raised With Christ in reply to courtneyjread #
  • @courtneyjread Cool! As I guess you're not in Eastbourne this weekend, you could get ahold of for an intro… in reply to courtneyjread #
  • Amen! We need to be ever more confident that Jesus really did rise again. Romans 10:10 tells us this is crucial for salvation! #
  • @GBJobClubs Apologetics sure doesnt take the place of testimony thats a definite! in reply to GBJobClubs #
  • @UnbelievableJB Cool! Are you going to try to get on the Mall or Whitehall? Are you gonna get first tube in? If so best go sleep!!! LOL in reply to UnbelievableJB #
  • Walking from Holborn to the Mall streets almost empty here we expect a crowd soon! #
  • Empty covent garden #
  • Unfortunately despite the name being familiar to us the owner won't serve us yet check out the street name! #
  • Free flags for cheapskates like us! #
  • RT @adrianwarnock: Free flags for cheapskates like us! #
  • The nice lady from OK magazine who gave us the flags took this photo! #royalwedding #
  • Rather more busy here ! #
  • 3G broken already no surprise there! Probably no more photos uploaded for ages then. #
  • managed to upload the honorary Warnock who is also a girl scout! #
  • We just met Matthew and Caroline Russell who camped out overnight. Good tough Jubilee Londoners! #
  • People here are cheering anything that moves. The last thing that got our applause was a street sweeping machine making the Mall look pretty #
  • Loving the choral music blaring out on speakers near us. Anyone who just thought they'd go for a quiet walk in the park is in for a shock! #
  • Hello magazine just gave us free flags too. OK magazine's are better! #bbcwedding #royalwedding #
  • Ed Milliband just walked by. No one cheered him. Don't think some knew who he was! #bbcwedding #
  • Crowd did cheer for four mounted police who just went by. I almost feel sorry for Ed Milliband who got nothing from us! #bbcwedding #
  • Made good our escape via St James Park Tube which worked really well. Quick bite to eat planned then off to Bible By The Beach  #

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