Today Jim Elliot Was Killed (1956) and God turned it around for good

Today Jim Elliot Was Killed (1956) and God turned it around for good January 8, 2012

If God can turn the brutal murder of a group of young missionaries around for good, how much more what you are facing today? Go read the rest o this article which begins,

“Today in 1956, five missionaries to the Auca indians in Ecuador were killed. Their deaths brought a sudden end to the project they called “Operation Auca,” but the tragedy became a defining moment in the history of evangelical missions. Hundreds of young people were inspired to take up missionary work, thousands were moved to deeper commitment to Christ, and millions of dollars in resources were mobilized. And the work with the Aucas went on, too”

read more at Today Jim Elliot Was Killed (1956) | The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow.

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